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Gloria dancing and moving while pregnant

with his first child in 2018

The Soul Body Movement for Mothers

"Gravidanza" is the italian word for "pregnancy": it contains the word "danza" which means "dance", so when Gloria created this new prenatal movement care class it seemed the naturally perfect name, adding "The Soul Body Movement for Mothers" to better clarify which is the aim of this work. 


Created at the end of 2019 and launched it in Stockholm, Sweden, in January 2020, this class is what Gloria would have loved to do when she was pregnant herself: she likes to define it as a "women's circle", where there is no pressure at all but only the guidance of the teacher. The session usually lasts 1h30 and it is a mix of relaxation, prenatal pilates movements, birth preparation positions and tips, together with breathing and free (partially guided) movements/dance. Music will move you throughout the whole meeting. Sometimes it can be also a space to share some thoughts in a relaxed and safe space: this is what a woman's circle is. 


Here some feedbacks from the women who joined the launch workshop in Sweden: 


“I had no idea what I signed up for. I thought it was going to be a “dance” class. I must admit I was a bit scared when I saw that we were such a small group. But then my mood changed! It was so relaxing! I left the studio happy and relaxed (same feeling as after 1-hour massage) and proud I did it. It is very unlike me to “freestyle” like that. Gloria was great, she made us feel safe!” S. (second pregnancy).


“I wasn’t sure what to expect when I came into the room. It was strange at first to find out there we also had to do “improvisation” as I’m not very comfortable with it, I always prefer to follow a choreography. I was feeling also quite tired on my way to the studio. But I think it helped that we were a small group and then I felt more free to improvise some movements and at the end I could enjoy it and felt nice. I left the studio full of energy (I felt that I’ve actually had a real workout!) and happy I did it. Gloria’s voice was calming, instructions clear and easy to follow.” N. (first pregnancy).


Gloria is available to teach "GraviDANZA - The Soul Body Movement for Mothers" for private groups on demand, and as workshops at studios, clinics, hospitals, retreats (worldwide). Feel free to get in touch for more informations. 


In his famous book “Primal Health”, Michel Odent said that arts not only creates emotions and is a way to communicate, but it also has a close connection with the maintenance of good health and with healing, and with “arts” he was including all its forms, such as singing, dancing and movement. 


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